Eurochile to link tourism MSMEs in the Coquimbo Region with European companies
The Eurochile Business Foundation held a mentoring activity for companies in the Coquimbo Region, a unique opportunity for the development and promotion of tourism.

The Eurochile Business Foundation carried out a work plan called “Mentoring” aimed at SMEs and tourism MSMEs in the Coquimbo Region, an activity that seeks to generate access to new European markets, Manuela Caruz, Director of International Networks of the Eurochile Business Foundation, during the webinar “Digital Marketing and European Networks”, explained that the purpose of the activity is to transfer knowledge, experiences and generate alliances for business or projects of European companies to Chilean companies.
The initiative will provide an interesting opportunity to modernise and expand business models for tourism SMEs and MSMEs in the Coquimbo Region in the process of economic reactivation with a circular economy, through the use of new sustainable technologies.
The professional said that, according to the profiles of Chilean companies, the search for supply and/or demand with their peers in Europe is defined. The profiles will be distributed among the partners of the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) to make a bilateral match and organise monthly meetings with counterparts in Europe. The activity will be carried out in a virtual format and will work with EEN partners to generate a bilateral matching.
It should be noted that the Mentoring meetings between a group of Chilean companies and their European counterparts will focus on the topics of: Digitalisation and Digital Marketing. At the end of each Mentoring, a report will be prepared with the topics discussed and each session will be recorded with the aim of being able to have the information to replicate it in other companies or have it available when needed. In addition, a satisfaction survey will be developed to evaluate the progress of the mentoring programme, adjust it as necessary to achieve the objectives, and to get to know the companies better in order to provide them with support in various aspects.
Manuela Caruz also specified that, in order to be in contact with the other members of the network in Europe, the Eurochile Business Foundation plays the role of link and nexus with its European peers. This is done through the uploading of business or technology profiles on the EEN (