
Senior management and administration of the Eurochile Foundation are based in a a Superior Board of Directors, consisting of fifteen members named Managing Directors and appointed by the State of Chile, through the President of the Republic. Every CEO has a Deputy CEO, appointed in the same manner as the first. Directors are appointed for four years.

The Superior Board of Directors elects among its members the President of the Foundation, who currently lies with Mr Vicente Caruz, Chilean and the Vice President, that until the first quarter of 2019 was Mr José María Castillero, from Spain.


  • Vicente Caruz

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    Vicente Caruz
    President of the board of directors of the Eurochile Foundation. In addition, he is Director of Development and Networks and member of the North South Investment Society and has held various positions in the financial sector. He has also been an academic at the universities of Chile and Católica de Chile (1965-1985), and a member of the boards of several institutions, such as the College of Engineers and the Institute of Engineers.
  • Leopoldo Reyes

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    Leopoldo Reyes
    A commercial engineer, he is president of the board of directors of the South American Metals company (Sudmetal), as well as director and founding member of the Center for Copper Studies (Cesco), director of the Mercator Foundation and president of the Association of Canalists of the Lo Hermida Canal.
  • Manuel Bagnara

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    Manuel Bagnara
    Fisheries engineer and MBA, he is currently general manager of Amasur A.G., a trade association that brings together 80% of the Chilean merchant marine fleet. He also has experience in the public sector, since he was regional director of CORFO for the Los Lagos Region.
  • Margarita Sepúlveda

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    Margarita Sepúlveda
    Commercial Engineer, she is manager of the Institute of Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship, based in the city of Concepción, as well as a professor of the Innovation and Business Development chair of the Commercial Engineering career at the University of Concepción. He has extensive experience as a manager in companies in Biobío.
  • David Barrera

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    David Barrera
    Tourist businessman, he is the owner of the Terrantai Lodge hotel and president of the Loa Emprende Tourism Business Association. In addition, he heads the Special Interest Tourism Council of San Pedro de Atacama.
  • Jorge Quintanilla

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    Jorge Quintanilla
    Auditor accountant, he is currently general manager of Coopeumo Ltda., as well as responsible for the accounting of the Fernández Riesco holding company. He has more than fifteen years of experience in the field of auditing.
  • Gonzalo Arenas

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    Gonzalo Arenas
    Doctor in Applied Economics from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) and Master in Business Administration from the same university. He has been our country's ambassador to the European Union and General Administrative Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is a visiting professor at various Latin American and European universities, and author of numerous publications in his specialty.
  • Maarten Kraaijenhagen

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    Maarten Kraaijenhagen
    Dutch entrepreneur who has participated in various start-ups, and has more than 15 years of experience in business consulting in sectors such as mining, infrastructure, energy, technology and agribusiness. In Europe and Latin America he has worked for companies such as Aon, fiNext, ING Group, MSC and Heineken. He participates in several company boards and since 2019 he has been vice-president of the Dutch-Chilean Chamber of Commerce. He graduated in Business Administration from the University of Groningen and has postgraduate degrees in Information and Knowledge Management from the Friedrich Alexander Universities, Chile and Groningen.
  • Rafael Sabat

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    Rafael Sabat
    He has an extensive career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile in the General Directorate of International Economic Relations (Direcon). He has been Deputy International Director of ProChile, Minister Economic Advisor at the Chilean Embassy to the European Union, and Commercial Director of Chile to the Netherlands among multiple other appointments. He has been a professor of International Business at several Chilean universities and at the Diplomatic Academy. He is a professor of History and Geography at the Metropolitan University and a Master of Arts in Development Studies at the Erasmus University in the Netherlands.
  • Gonzalo Salamanca

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    Gonzalo Salamanca
    General Manager of the San Ignacio del Huinay Foundation, with an outstanding career in senior positions in the areas of Communications, Corporate Social Responsibility and Institutional Relations at Enel Green Power Chile and Energía Andina. He has also worked at Fundación Chile and as a communications consultant. He is a sociologist from the University of Chile, holds a PhD in Sociology from the Università degli Studi di Roma, and an EMBA from the Madrid Business Institute.