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The Eurochile Business Foundation welcomes its new Executive Director

The economist and economic development expert, Felipe Mujica Cominetti, has been appointed as the new executive director of the Eurochile Business Foundation, an organisation with more than 30 years of experience in supporting SMEs and institutions in their internationalisation processes to the European market.

Publicado el 04/06/2024

The Eurochile Business Foundation welcomes its new Executive Director, Felipe Mujica Cominetti, who will have the task of continuing Eurochile’s 31-year legacy. The Foundation’s mission is to create, promote and consolidate economic, commercial and technological links between Chile and Europe.

Felipe is an economist with experience in economic development and international economics. He studied at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain and at the Université Paris-Dauphine, France.

The current executive director was unanimously elected by Eurochile’s Board of Directors, after a selection process of several candidates who had to meet certain requirements, among them, their links and trajectory with Europe.

As for the transition with his predecessor, it was a process of transferring information about the management and the portfolio of projects that the Foundation is implementing in the sectors of Tourism, Construction, Fruit and Waste Management that are being carried out in the different regions of the country, all with a focus on the circular economy.

“One of the main challenges for the new executive management of Eurochile is the continuity and implementation of activities within the framework of the projects that we are currently carrying out, but at the same time, incorporating the modernisation of the Advanced Framework Agreement (AMA) with the European Union. Our mission is to continue strengthening economic, commercial and technological ties with Europe, and we need the collaboration and enthusiasm of the entire ecosystem to achieve these objectives“, emphasises Felipe Mujica, executive director of the Eurochile Business Foundation.

In short, the new executive director of the Eurochile Business Foundation will have the mission of continuing and projecting the legacy of more than 30 years supporting SMEs and institutions in the national and European market, facing the short and long term challenges that arise, and continuing to position and strengthen the Foundation together with the team of professionals that compose it.

Today, Eurochile has on its agenda for the month of June activities related to Europe, highlighting the “Bilateral Meeting with Commercial Attachés of the countries of the European Union”, which aims to bring Chilean SMEs closer and encourage them to explore the possibilities and advantages of exporting to the European market. Andrea Batazzi, representative of Multirep Services and Ecomondo, the most important international fair on Sustainability and Circular Economy, will also visit the event.