Exploring French Agri-Food Green Technologies at AL-INVEST Verde Fruit Online Seminar
Chilean and French producers shared French green technologies applied to the agri-food sector during the online seminar organised by Eurochile, as part of the AL-INVEST Verde Fruit programme. This meeting fostered knowledge exchange and promoted sustainable progress in the industry.

Last Thursday, November 30th, the Eurochile Business Foundation held the Online Seminar entitled “French Agri-Food Green Technologies for the Chilean Market”. This event was given by Agropolis International from France in the framework of the AL-INVEST Verde Fruit Programme, aimed at the Chilean agricultural sector.
Rodrigo Silva, project manager of the Sustainability and Circular Economy area of Eurochile, presented the progress of the project. In addition, Sabrina Deforge, head of project engineering and innovation at Agropolis International in France, moderated the session.
Among the French companies participating were MAF RODA AGROBOTIC, specialised in the development and manufacture of turnkey lines for the electronic sorting and packaging of fresh fruit and vegetables; Agrosymbiose, a platform for climate-smart agriculture services to maximise the value of agricultural natural capital; and ABSOGER, dedicated to the manufacture of nitrogen generators and atmospheric equipment.
In the case of the Chilean companies, Agrofrutas Pastene, a fruit producer; Ciruelas Chile, plum producers; and the Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Fruticultura (CEAF), a scientific and technological centre located in the O’Higgins Region, whose main objective is to improve the competitiveness, productivity and sustainability of the regional and national agricultural industry, were present.
During the meeting, both French and Chilean companies presented their technological advances in the field. The French companies exhibited their circular processes and the incorporation of various technologies to optimise agricultural processes in a sustainable manner. On the other hand, the Chilean companies presented the different technological tools they are using in their fields.
In short, this opportunity allowed companies to share their knowledge and experience in the development of green technologies applied to agri-food production, generating synergies among the participants.