Eurochile realizará evento abierto de dos días a Pymes de la región de Los Lagos sobre Economía Circular y Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes
With the aim of integrating the Circular Economy in the tourism sector, Eurochile will bring together 200 SMEs from the Los Lagos region in May to encourage the development of sustainable tourist attractions in the area. The invitation is open, with prior registration and limited quotas.

The Eurochile Business Foundation was awarded the project “Adaptation to climate change: The circular economy as a strategy to boost the development of smart cities and tourist destinations” through Corfo’s Viraliza Evento Masivo programme. This project will be carried out in the Los Lagos region over a period of 10 months and its main milestone will be the development of a two-day event that will feature expert keynote speeches and panel discussions in the morning and, in the afternoon, thematic working groups to raise entrepreneurial gaps, opportunities and recommendations on the subject.
The main objective of this initiative is to promote the circular economy as a crucial climate change adaptation strategy for smart cities and smart destinations (ITDs). To achieve this, tools will be provided to incentivise the development of circular ventures at the enterprise level. This will be done through the transfer of successful European experiences and strategies, adapted to the local needs and realities of the area.
This project is aimed at 200 MSMEs and entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, as well as those interested in issues related to sustainability, climate change and smart destinations in the Lake District. The objective is to involve those actors who wish to explore and adopt sustainable and circular practices in their tourism operations and services.
Gabriel Pérez, regional director of Corfo Los Lagos said “it is important to participate in this meeting that will bring together a wide range of actors in the tourism sector, including businessmen, entrepreneurs, sustainability experts and local authorities, where they can establish contacts, exchange ideas and explore possible collaborations that boost entrepreneurs not only in their businesses. The updating and learning that takes place in these instances through panel discussions, conferences and practical workshops led by experts in sustainable tourism, climate change and smart destinations allows them to be aware of the latest trends, best practices and innovative tools that can be applied in business”.
He also stressed that the commitment to the sustainable development of the region and to building responsible and environmentally conscious tourism is everyone’s responsibility to create a more prosperous and equitable future for our communities and for future generations.
The massive event, which will take place in May, will be divided into two days and will take place in two provinces of the region. The first will be held in the city of Puerto Varas in the Llanquihue Province, a priority area recognised as an ITD at the national level. On the other hand, the second day will take place in the city of Osorno, in the Province of Osorno. The intention behind this choice is to promote sustainable, smart and circular tourism development in these specific areas.
José Aravena, executive director of the Eurochile Business Foundation, highlights Eurochile’s commitment to the region and the importance of SMEs as the engine of the local economy. “We want to provide them with the necessary tools so that they can integrate into the tourism sector in a sustainable and circular way. Our project provides them with the necessary training to understand these concepts and gives them the tools to implement sustainable practices in their businesses. It is not only about meeting the demands of tourists, but also about contributing to the care of our environment and the development of the community”.
Corfo’s Viraliza Evento Masivo programme is an initiative that seeks to reinforce the environment and/or culture of entrepreneurship and innovation, with the aim of fostering the ecosystem and thus contributing to improving the conditions in which entrepreneurial activity takes place.