AL-INVEST Verde Fruit Training Plan
The Eurochile Business Foundation is preparing to offer a series of workshops and activities in the framework of the AL-INVEST Verde Fruit programme. These initiatives are designed to foster the adoption of sustainable and circular practices among MSMEs and Business Organisations in the Chilean agricultural sector.

In the framework of the AL-INVEST Verde programme, the Eurochile Business Foundation together with its European partners Promos from Italy and Agropolis International from France, are developing the project “Chilean-European Alliance for the green transition in MSMEs of the Chilean fruit sector and their Business Organisations“, which aims to help small and medium-sized enterprises to adopt sustainable and circular practices in their agri-food systems.
The main objective of the training programme is to train groups of MSMEs and their Business Organisations in Chile, deepening in contents related to circular economy, sustainable agriculture, Life Cycle Assessment, sustainable and circular techniques and technologies, current and future sustainability regulations and demands from markets and consumers. The goal is to train at least 300 MSMEs and 15 Business Organisations.
In this context, Eurochile’s Sustainability and Circular Economy team is responsible for implementing it and has been responsible for carrying out various activities and workshops aimed at MSMEs and business organisations in the Chilean agricultural sector, initiatives that have been developed in the regions of O’Higgins, Biobío and Los Lagos.
Content and Format of the Workshops
A total of 7 workshops will be held, of which 4 will be online and 3 in hybrid format. In addition, 2 complementary webinars organised by the project co-implementers, Promos Italia and Agropolis International, will be offered. The intention is to reach a total of 300 beneficiaries.
Themes to be addressed
The topics to be covered in these workshops include:
- Circular Economy.
- Sustainable Agriculture.
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the fruit subsector.
- Water Resource Management and other resources.
- Traceability and Value Chain Tracking Systems.
- Reducing the Environmental Impact of MSMEs.
Expert Participants
We will count with the participation of European experts, highlighting Linnet Solway, French expert in Circular Economy and Iciar Pavez, Researcher at L’Institut Agro Montpellier as some of the speakers.
Delivery of the Workshops
The workshops will be given by both European and national experts, who will present on topics related to agriculture and the circular economy, as well as other topics relevant to the project.
Training Plan workshops, some online and some hybrid, on the following dates:
- Virtual webinar on 12 October on “Circular Economy applied to fruit production”. (Workshop nr.1)
- 19 October, workshop N°2 Training Programme on Life Cycle and Value Chain Analysis.
- 09 November 2023
- 16 November 2023
- 30 November 2023
- 07 December 2023
- 14 December 2023
Webinars organised by the co-implementers:
- Promos Italy Webinar on 26 October 2023.
- Agropolis International Webinar on 23 November 2023.
This training programme aims to promote sustainable and circular business practices, benefiting a broad group of MSMEs and their business organisations in Chile, while fostering knowledge exchange between national and European experts.
For more information on the AL-INVEST Verde Fruit project, please contact with Rodrigo Silva, project manager, Eurochile Business Foundation at