Noticias / Business Cooperation

Eurochile’s new projects: Business Circle and two new communication platforms

As part of the official launch of the Business Circle of the Eurochile Business Foundation, two new communication platforms were presented with the aim of empowering SMEs, offering them visibility and dissemination of their companies and projects.

Publicado el 21/06/2024

The Eurochile Business Foundation carried out the online launch of the Business Circle, a virtual connection space designed so that Chilean and European companies with shared interests and values can mutually empower each other. Two new communication tools of the Foundation were presented, the YouTube channel “EurochileTV” and the digital magazine “Eurochile Magazine”, which focus on the Foundation’s projects, as well as on the companies participating in its activities.

Business Circle

The Eurochile Business Circle is an initiative that seeks to increase the visibility of participating companies in the business world through various strategic actions. In terms of benefits and customised services, the Circle offers a variety of opportunities to boost your company, such as increased visibility through interviews and news on Eurochile’s official channels, as well as the possibility to participate in webinars, workshops and specialised seminars.

It also provides access to a platform of national and European business contacts, enabling strategic meetings with like-minded counterparts. Also, through workshops with national and European experts, it will be possible to obtain exclusive information that keeps participating companies up to date with the latest trends and experiences relevant to different sectors. In that sense, this new networking space offers support in the creation of contact networks, providing the opportunity to strengthen relationships and explore new business opportunities in both virtual and face-to-face environments, such as business rounds and business missions.

The Business Circle already has several members, among them: Mega Electric, Vega Monumental, Ecología en tu Barrio, Bellbast Chile, Kalewün, Espyral, Bioprocess Group and Ciencia Ambiental.

To join the Business Circle and access its benefits and personalised services, an annual membership is required. All information is available on the website


EurochileTV is a YouTube channel that aims to disseminate relevant information and keep stakeholders informed about the foundation’s initiatives, with a special focus on sustainability and the circular economy. The channel offers interviews with national and European experts, online trainings, invitations to exclusive events, and much more.

Eurochile Magazine

Eurochile Magazine is a quarterly digital magazine that seeks to disseminate the activities, events, projects, and interviews with entrepreneurs and experts in which the Eurochile Business Foundation is involved. Its first edition, already published in May, is focused on the 31st anniversary of the Foundation.

These two new communication platforms will not only increase the visibility of the participating companies, but will also contribute to the dissemination of relevant projects and activities, fostering collaboration and business growth at both national and European level.