Eurochile co-organizes matchmaking event on circular economy
“Circular economy SMEs across Europe – Good practices from Barcelona to Bottrop” is the name of the activity organised by NRW Europe and co-organized by the Eurochile Business Foundation. At the evento, companies can find cooperation opportunities in projects, knowledge of experiences and the transfer of good practices on this matter.

The matchmaking event began on June last year and will be available until December of this year in remote mode with the presence of companies from all over the world.
The Director of International Networks of Eurochile, Manuela Caruz, valued the opportunity provided by this b2b and explained its importance: “It is an event that brings together good practices and projects in the framework of the circular economy. Undoubtedly, this business encounter not only means a huge business instance, but also an enrichment of knowledge around the circular economy in all the participating institutions, ”said Caruz.
In this context, Caruz pointed out the importance for the foundation of being a co-organiser of this type of event. “These activities are important to us because we support Chilean companies in the connection with Europe so they can explore new markets, generate their own networks of contacts and learn about good practices. And in this case on a subject of great importance to us, such as the circular economy”, affirmed the director of International Networks.
The event has participants from almost 40 countries, including SMEs, start-ups, research centers, universities and entities from the public sector from a number of productive areas such as solar energy, energy saving, productive efficiency, biomass and many more.
Chilean companies have already joined this instance from different sectors and areas. One of the Chileans present at the event is Karina Gómez, who is co-founder of Bases, a collaborative platform for monitoring and plotting eco-indicators in real time that enables sustainable waste management, and which was born in the context of the creation of the Extended Producer Responsibility Law (EPR Law). Gómez explained the purpose of her participation in the business conference.
“My idea is to connect with companies that have a path in the context of the EPR Law, and in the various countries where laws of this type have been implemented, in order to generate technological links or strategic alliances since there is a wide market in the places in which similar policies have been implemented”, declared the co-funder of the platform.
In addition, Karina referred to the importance of these types of events. “I have participated in many activities organised by the Eurochile where knowledge and transfer technology is transferred , and it is very satisfactory. Many of the efficiencies of our platform are related to this type of knowledge transfer experience with other countries that have already had experience with laws such as the EPR,” said Gómez.
As an important input to this matchmaking event, a series of activities around the circular economy are programmed. As an example, next Wednesday, June 29, a webinar will be held
on the circular economy in food and nutrients. To see the agenda of activities, the organization had a section on its website
How to participate?
To participate in the matchmaking event, please register at the following link:
Then you must complete a profile about your company and who represents it, as well as a brief description of what you are looking for and what you offer. For more information, please contact Manuela Caruz