Noticias / Business Cooperation

Connecting Chile and Europe: Eurochile Business Foundation organises Bilateral Meeting with Commercial Attachés of the European Union to bring Chilean SMEs closer to European markets

On 26 June, Chilean SMEs had the opportunity to participate in the Bilateral Meeting organised by Eurochile, which aimed to connect companies, organisations and public entities with commercial attachés from European Union countries.

Publicado el 09/07/2024

“Bilateral Meeting with Commercial Attachés of the countries of the European Union” was the event organised by the Eurochile Business Foundation, which brought together diplomatic and commercial representatives from various European nations and Chilean organisations, public entities and companies from various sectors with the aim of establishing connections, networking, exploring opportunities and approaching the European market.

As for the Commercial Attachés of the European Union countries, the Chilean-German Chamber of Commerce, Advantage Austria of the Austrian Embassy, the Chilean-Italian Chamber of Commerce, the Belgian Embassy, the Agència per la Competitivitat de l’Empresa (ACCIÓ), Business Finland, Flanders Investment & Trade, the Hungarian Embassy, the Danish Trade Council and Multirep Services from Italy were present.

The meeting provided a platform for strategic dialogue and networking with the participation of 50 companies from multiple sectors, who held more than 175 meetings during the day. In this sense, the participating companies had access to direct information on trade policies, regulatory barriers and investment opportunities, promoting trade links and economic cooperation.

The initiative consisted of a connecting space for companies focused on the exploration of new markets and new areas of growth according to the specific interests of each company. Felipe Mujica, executive director of the Eurochile Business Foundation, stated that, “we have been able to meet different representatives from various European countries. We have learned about their interests, the areas they want to exploit commercially and, above all, their expectations regarding the renewal of the Trade Agreement with the European Union and the channel that Eurochile means to connect Europe with Chile through its regions, companies and SMEs“.

Andrea Rojas, representative of the Federation of Artisanal Fishermen of the Commune of Navidad, said: “We have held meetings with representatives of different embassies, I have been able to present our products and have generated several possibilities for contact. I would like to thank Eurochile for this great opportunity that allowed me to establish links with the European market“.

Tomás Vial Tagle from Nova Agro Chile, says that “it has been very interesting to be able to talk to the different European embassies in Chile. It was a very useful opportunity, as I have been able to exchange information and see if there is the possibility of future opportunities“.

In the municipality we are seeking to strengthen the international links of the commune of La Cisterna, since we are interested in promoting the international development of trade and the business community of the commune so that they can learn about new business opportunities in other countries,” says Renato Vélez, representative of the cabinet of the Municipality of La Cisterna.

On the other hand, the director of the Sercotec Rancagua Business Centre, Carlos Muñoz, says that, “we have been able to make many relationships and alliances thinking about long-term work for the O’Higgins region. We believe that we can not only do relationship work, but also experiences and activities on circular economy and sustainability that we can promote together with Eurochile”.

Sacha Garefulic, representative of the Danish Trade Council in Chile, said that “this is a very important event to strengthen relations between companies in both countries. We have seen the possibilities that exist in terms of sustainability and that allow for greater economic development between the two countries“.

In this regard, Francesca Ragazzini, representative of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Chile, said that, “I am very grateful for this opportunity to Eurochile because we were pleased to share with companies, learn about new realities and have a broader knowledge of SMEs in Chile“.