Noticias / Business Cooperation

Key Energy 2024 Business Mission Exploring Innovation and Trends in the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Sector

Companies from the renewable energy sector highlight their participation in the Key Energy 2024 Business Mission organised by Eurochile.

Publicado el 11/04/2024

Key Energy, internationally recognised as the meeting point for the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry, plays a key role in driving innovation and technology within the sector. It is the leading European event highlighting the acceleration of energy and climate policies, as well as the emerging opportunities available in the international market.

Key Energy’s efficiency lies in its ability to provide companies with direct access to the latest trends, technological advances and best practices in renewable energy and energy efficiency. Through conferences, panel discussions, live demonstrations and product exhibits, participants have the opportunity to learn first-hand about the latest innovations in areas such as Solar, Wind, Hydrogen, Energy Efficiency, Electric Mobility and Sustainable City.

This year, the fair took place from 28 February to 1 March in Rimini, Italy. The Eurochile Business Foundation was present with its Business Mission Key Energy 2024, accompanied by a group of entrepreneurs specialised in renewable energies, who attended and participated in various talks and activities available.

The list of participating companies includes: Circular Construction, Gestrash Simbiosis Colaborativa, Mega Electric, DVP S.A, Energy Asset and Tesla Energy.

With regard to the results obtained after the development of the fair, according to data issued by Key Energy, there was a 41% increase in participation in the 2024 edition compared to 2023, with 60% international attendance. These results consolidate Key Energy as a reference network for the global energy transition community.

In this sense, David Melo, manager of Mega Electric, points out that, “the organisation was very good. This event was an opportunity for us to update ourselves with new technologies and success stories that are being developed in Europe, which serve as a model towards which we want to move and be at the forefront as a company. Furthermore, by participating in the fair we were able to generate networking and produce synergies with international companies, which has been useful to explore the possibility of carrying out joint projects“.

Likewise, Maritza Ojeda, Sustainability Coordinator of DVP S.A., highlights: “The meetings I had were very efficient, because they helped me to contact companies and suppliers, a very efficient experience, especially to thank Eurochile for their efforts and for giving us the opportunity to be part of their Business Mission“.

For companies, participation in Key Energy can translate into a positive impact, providing them with fresh ideas, advanced technological solutions and cutting-edge strategies to improve their competitiveness and sustainability. It helps them to optimise their processes, reduce operating costs, comply with environmental regulations and develop innovative products and services that meet market demands.

Nina Morales, Director of Institutional Affairs and Business Cooperation of the Eurochile Business Foundation, explains the importance of the participation of companies in the Business Missions carried out by Eurochile. “Our business missions are designed to enable SMEs to connect with cutting-edge European companies, allowing them to immerse themselves in the world of new technologies and energy efficiency that are transforming the other side of the continent. We also provide the unique opportunity to learn directly from the industry’s leading innovators, and then apply that knowledge in your own company to help it grow”.

In short, the Eurochile Business Foundation has planned several business missions for 2024, with the purpose of connecting Chilean companies with Europe, a goal aligned with Eurochile’s mission. In addition, these business missions are open to all those companies interested in learning about and adopting new circular practices that are being developed on the other side of the continent.