Noticias / Sustainability and Circular Economy

Eurochile Business Foundation holds International Seminar in the framework of the recycling and circular economy programme in the Province Osorno

On 16 October, the international seminar of the programme “Strengthening Recycling and Circular Economy in the Province of Osorno” will take place, with the financial support of the Regional Government of Los Lagos. The main objective of this programme is to improve the value chain of recycling and waste management, focusing its efforts on citizens, waste managers and SMEs.

Publicado el 04/10/2023

Strengthening and improving the processes associated with mitigating the negative environmental impact resulting from the inadequate management of organic and inorganic waste from household and industrial activities in the Province of Osorno are the objectives of the “Strengthening Recycling and Circular Economy” Programme awarded by the Eurochile Business Foundation at the end of 2022.

The Regional Governor of Los Lagos, Patricio Vallespin, highlights that “this ongoing project represents a valuable opportunity to boost a more sustainable economy and strengthen the well-being of our citizens in the region. At the same time, it will contribute significantly to local development and progress. This initiative is designed to optimise the efficiency of our production processes, considerably reducing the amount of waste that currently ends up in landfills, which is why we are promoting the circular economy, a model that promotes the reuse and recycling of resources, and in turn, generating new employment opportunities in our region“.

Citizens, SMEs and waste managers will be the 3 main actors that make up the waste management and recycling chain, so the Foundation will divide into 2 categories of waste of different origin, industrial and household waste, as both have a common factor both by their nature and the synergies between both treatment infrastructures that could be economically beneficial for the actors related to these two types of waste.

Among the programme’s lines of action is the objective of building existing capacities and proposing new waste management models based on the European experience; fostering circular business models and training in key Circular Economy concepts with the aim of creating an engaged and empowered recycling community; and ensuring the economic sustainability of the project through access to financing over time and equipment acquisition.

The programme “Strengthening Recycling and Circular Economy in the Province of Osorno”, which has the financial support of the Regional Government of Los Lagos through the National Fund for Regional Development, has a duration of 24 months and includes a total of 200 beneficiaries among which are: Citizens, inhabitants of the communes of the Province of Osorno; SMEs, commerce and small productive industry in rural areas.

José Aravena, executive director of Eurochile Business Foundation, points out that, “The Foundation, in its role as a bridge between Chile and Europe and its extensive network of contacts with various European entities that are of tremendous importance in the world of the circular economy, we want to provide Chilean SMEs in the region with models that allow them, through the transfer of know-how, the exchange of experiences of successful cases and best practices, to acquire new tools to develop new capabilities in the generation of more sustainable products and services. We work on the design of innovation and process improvement strategies in collaboration with companies and organisations interested in reducing their environmental impact”.

In this context, the International Seminar of the programme “Strengthening Recycling and Circular Economy in the Province of Osorno” will take place on 16 October at 15:00hrs at the Sonesta Hotel, located in Ejército 395, Rahue, Osorno, Los Lagos Region. The objective of the seminar is to present the current situation of the Province of Osorno in terms of the implementation of circular economy, as well as the main gaps and opportunities for a conscious generation and circular waste management. In addition, leading European experts with extensive knowledge on the topics will participate, and success stories of circular business of local actors will be presented.

All actors involved in the circular ecosystem, from the public and private sector, are invited to take advantage of the networking opportunities during the event, fostering knowledge exchange and the generation of networks and contacts for collaborations. This international seminar will be held prior to a Circular Economy fair organised by the Association of Municipalities of the Province of Osorno on 17 and 18 October.

The project focused on the province of Osorno will not only be an opportunity to develop a more circular economy but will also be a benefit for the citizens of the region and local growth and progress, as it will improve process efficiency and reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, thus promoting the circular economy and creating new employment opportunities.

National Fund for Regional Development (FNDR)

The National Regional Development Fund (FNDR) is a public financing programme that aims to promote economic and social development in the different regions of Chile. FNDR resources are granted by the central government through the regional governments and are allocated to public investment projects that contribute to local development.

In addition to strengthening the management capacity of regional governments, it is important to highlight that the National Regional Development Fund is a key tool for the development of Chile’s regions, as it contributes to the decentralisation and strengthening of regional management, promoting citizen participation and the comprehensive development of the different areas of the country.